Wednesday, December 10, 2014

First Annual Grandchildren Interviews

Dear George,
Because our grandchildren, V and L, live pretty far away, we only get together three or four times a year.  With several months between each trip, it’s always exciting because the children have changed in noticeable ways.  They’re six years old now and in first grade in their Spanish immersion school, and they’re still more verbal, knowledgeable, and socially skilled than they were just six months ago.  During their recent Thanksgiving visit, J and I took the kids to nearby Mason on a snow sledding expedition.  L didn’t feel like sledding, so he and I spent some time in the car.  I suggested that we pretend that I was a newspaper reporter doing an interview with him, and L went along with the game.  He answered my questions while I took notes.  Then, later in the day, I did the same with V.  That proved to be fun and interesting for everybody.  Here are some of the children’s responses to interview questions, starting with L.      

Interview with L
How old are you this year?  Six. 
What grade are you in?  First grade.
Who is your teacher?  Miss A***.
What do you like about her?  She teaches us.
What is the hardest thing in school?  Vocabulary tests.   
Do you have a pet at home?  A dog.
What’s his name?  Iko.
What does Iko like?  Dog food.  Playing with V.  
What do you and V like to do?  Hide and seek.
Who is your favorite superhero?  Batman. 
Why is Batman your favorite?  He’s cool.  I have a Lego Batman set.
Do you have any hobbies?  Art.
What kind of art?  Clay.  Making pinch pots.
What is your favorite vacation?  Going to California to see Grandma.
Who is the president of the United States?  I don’t know.   
Who would make the best president – you or your sister?  Me.  
What do you like about New Orleans?  Everything.     
If you were older than you are now, how old would you want to be?  Ten.
Why is that?  Being big.
How old are old people?  About 80.
How old are your mom and dad?  45 and 46.  Not so old.
What do you dream about most often?  Vacations. 
What are you good at?  Playing with V.  I’m a good eater. 
Are you good at learning Spanish?  Yes.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  I don’t know. 
How do you like your robot foot?  Good.  It’s cool. 
What is scary to you?  Going into the forest. 
Who do you like best at school?  B***.  He is six and a half.  He is taller than me and funny. 
Is there anybody who don’t like?  I don’t like Z***.  He’s mean.
Is he mean to you?  Mmm hmm.
Do you stand up for yourself?  Yup. 
What is your favorite: animal?  Lion.
Are you serious or funny?  Funny.
Are you selfish or generous?  Generous.
Good-looking or strong?  Strong. 
Do you ever get mad at your sister?  Yes, when she does really mean things on purpose. 
What do you think is the best time of life – like babies or kids or teenagers or adults?  Babies.
Do you think adults work more or have fun more?  Work more.  They have to work to get money.
What is the worst thing that human beings can do?  Smoke.
What is your biggest fear?  Rattlesnakes. 
If you got a weekly allowance, what would you like it to be?  Eighty dollars. 
What is the most fun that your family has together?  Family fun night at any park.  
Which would you like most: to have lots of friends; or to make lots of money; or to be smart?  To be smart.
Which would you want to be: a writer; a musician; an athlete?  An athlete.
Which would you want to be: an astronaut; a policeman; a soldier?  An astronaut.
What animal are you most like?  A lion.        

Interview with V
How old are you now?  Six.
What grade are you in?  First.
Who is your favorite teacher?  Miss T*** and Miss O***. 
What is your favorite subject?  Arts and crafts
What is the hardest thing in school?  Reading.
Do you have a favorite hobby?  Arts and crafts.
Do you have a pet?  Iko.
What kind of dog is he?  A Schnauzer.
What is Iko like?  He really barks.
Who does he bark at?  Dogs and cats.
Do you know who the president is?  Obama.
Do you like him?  Yes.
Why?  He’s nice.
Does President Obama have any kids.  I don’t know.
Who would be the best president – you or your brother?  Me. 
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A vet.
Would you want to take care of large animals or small animals?  Small animals -- cats and dogs.
Which of the following would you want to do the most: End war; end hunger; end poverty?  End war. 
Who is your favorite superhero?  Wonder Woman.
Why do you like Wonder Woman?  She’s cool.
Which would you like to be the most – a politician, a movie star, or a detective?  Detective. 
What would you like most: to have a lot of friends, or make a lot of money, or be smart?  Be smart.
What do you think you are good at?  Taking care of animals.  Playing with L. 
If you could change something about the world what would it be?  No more wars.
What could you change to improve yourself?  Following directions.
What would you like to change about your parents?  Every day -- ten TV shows.
Would you say you are more serious or more funny?  More serious.
Are you selfish or generous?  Generous.
Good-looking or strong?  Good-looking. 
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer.
Your favorite food?  Chicken skin. 
What do you dream about most often?  Flying. 
What do you think is scary?  Sledding. 
How do you like L’s robot foot?  It’s beautiful.
What do you like about New Orleans?  Everything.
What do you think is the best time in life – for example, babies, kids, teenagers, adults?  Babies. 
Which is better childhood or adulthood?  Childhood.  Because adults have to do chores, like cleaning diapers. 
Do you think adults work more or have fun more?  Have fun more.
What are the worst things humans can do?  Suffer for death.
What makes you happy?  My parents.
When do you get mad at your brother?  I never get mad at my brother.
If you got a weekly allowance, what do you think it should be?  Ten million dollars.
No…what would you like for an allowance realistically?  Infinity. 
What is the most fun your family has together?  Going to the movies.
What is your earliest memory as a little child?  Swallowing a dime.  
What animal are you like?  A chicken.

I realized I’m biased, but I think the children are such delights.  They are thoughtful, funny, and smart.  They responded to this task with such openness.  Most of all, I’m impressed to the degree to which they can readily verbalize things about themselves, their loved ones, and the world about them.  I’m also impressed that both children have positive attitudes toward most aspects of their lives.  I think this is a product having very loving parents.  Now I’m looking forward to see what the children have to say when they reach age seven.

G-mail Comments
Phyllis S-S (12-10): Beautiful idea.
-Jennifer M (12-10): A lovely project.
-KKB (12-10): You made my day!!!!!!

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